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Психоделики как инструмент трансформации

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A taste of the most transformative personal growth programme in the world ever created

With EMF Lite Experience you will finally be able to:

  • Acknowledge that money is one of the non-negotiable games that we must play in life; 

  • Understand what money really is;

  • Uncover and get rid of limiting blocks and beliefs;

  • Master your emotions;

  • Create abundance mindset;

  • Develop empowering skills and strategies for a more fulfilling, joyful and abundant future. 

"Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into" - Wayne Dyer

Uriya Jurik
Holistic Life Coach, EMF Trainer

Imagine a life where money was no longer a source of stress or worry…
But a source of fulfilment and joy. A life where abundance just flowed effortlessly. No doubts. No fears. Just peace and ease.

It is common in the modern society that many of us get caught in the hamster wheel of chasing money as the main source of happiness. We allow this sense of a lack of money to dictate the reason we never strive for what we really want in life. Money issues have influence on many areas of life. When it comes to difficult conversations, money topic is often emotionally charged.

Therefore, if we don't master money, money will master us.

The truth is money is neither good nor evil. Money is an amplifying energy that magnifies who we already are. It expands our decision and life experience space and allows to express our potential more fully.

It's your time to make the choice: to survive or to thrive!


This value-packed programme includes:

  • Powerful Content (7 Hours of videos delivered by Peter Sage) including:

    • Wealth and Abundance Module

    • Mastering Emotions Module

    • Modules Workbooks with Practical Exercises 

    • "I AM" Workshop

    • Emotional 7-card Exercise 

    • Pre-recorded Q&A Session with Peter Sage

  • Launch Call with Uriya Jurik

  • 1 to 1 Results Call with Uriya Jurik

  • EMF Lite Facebook Peer Group

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Module 1

Creating prosperity

Eradicate all limiting beliefs around money, and use these powerful principles and exercises to immediately start creating more abundance in your life.


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Module 2

The key to living life on your terms

Mastery of emotional response is the key separator between those who live their life at ‘cause’ rather than ‘effect’. This module teaches specific techniques for instantly disarming negative emotions and the re-patterning of previous negative emotional triggers, so they can never sabotage you again.



Рэйчел, фасилитатор сакральной медицины

I was searching for some sense of meaning in life. I was struggling to handle the inner conflict that goes between my heart and my mind that hindered my ability to show up in life as a better self that somewhere deep down I believe I can become. The EMF has taught me some amazing techniques and gave me some great tools on how to harmonize that conflict. Hence has allowed me to work towards the alignment and unity of the heart and the mind. And also has help me To-Think not How-To-Think so as to show up in life as someone who's willing to grow and evolve into a better human being. And I am forever grateful for that. I would highly recommend for anyone. It's worth a shot!


Самира, Практикующий психолог

I wanted to step up, EMF was a Quantum Leap! For past few years, I would describe myself sort of "stuck in the squat" (quoting Zig Ziggler. ) Then I found EMF... That has changed my entire life... Its still changing and its exciting. I am in a constant state of excitement about my life and my experience of today. At 67 years age I am very open to new opportunity, new experiences and just know that my contribution in all my relationships has just stepped up a few notches. Yes, I needed to step up... a step up from mediocrity, from stagnation, from procrastination, from feelings of 'is this it?' a step up from worry about finances, from broken relationships. With all these areas of my life, EMF took me on a journey that is nothing short of a Quantum Leap!


Родриго, Травник

EMF was life changing for me, I feel now able to move forward in my life with ease and peace, opportunities are presenting to me. I feel like I can create better relationships and better opportunities for me as I can now avoid gravitating to a turmoil of negative emotions and feeling unworthy. During those 6 months I finally reconcile and let go of many traumatic events of my childhood and even felt grateful for all the experiences that it has been given to me to grow. I was also able to improve my relationship with my parents, my partner and becoming more present for my children. I doubled my income, attracted effortlessly new clients and opportunities by increasing my vibrations and confidence. I feel free, abundant and ready to enjoy my life and happy to share those insights with many .


Рэйчел, фасилитатор сакральной медицины

I heard about Uriya a day after my ayahuasca ceremony. One of my dearest friends told me that she is a spiritual coach with a lot of experience and knowledge in this field. She truly is one of the best spiritual teachers! She is such a beautiful soul with a big heart full of love. I have learnt the importance of body and soul connection, proper nourishment and much more. During one of our sessions, we realised that we have some similarities in our live stories and ever since she has been a great example for me how to deal with challenging situations, let go of fear and be true to myself. I believe we met for a reason, as all people we meet in our life and I could not feel more grateful for this!


Самира, Практикующий психолог

Since meeting an Angel, a Guru, a friend Uriya, my intuition is on overdrive and I am loving it! My senses are heightened and everything in my life, including my business is giving me more joy and abundance.  During her course, my love and admiration of people has become deeper and the experience of unity with others was absolutely beautiful. I was especially blown away with the power of Uriya's guided healing meditations. Amazing!


Родриго, Травник

Uriya has been teaching me to bring magic and joy in my life. She helped me to set firm intentions, focus on the positive, be strong and a fabulous mirror for my children and grandchildren. During the course, Uriya created a beautiful safe haven for us to transform. Uriya has taught me to be present and avoid projecting into the future. She has taught me to break old patterns and build new positive  patterns. To prioritise me, Pam, because I can only give from a full cup. She has taught me to control the controllable, to raise my consciousness and give myself permission to be HAPPY.  Uriya has guided me in a gentle, authentic way. Her intuition is brilliant. Her whole demeanour is full of love, kindness and wisdom. She lights up the room. I feel blessed to have this unique and very special experience.


Рэйчел, фасилитатор сакральной медицины

I am really grateful for the holistic guidance that Uriya has given to me over the last few weeks. It has been personal, precise and well researched. Every client is unique to her so you don’t feel like you are getting a coaching manual online but rather something deeply meaningful and designed for you. I have learnt so much and it has reignited my spiritual and artistic journey.


Самира, Практикующий психолог

Uriya has transformed my understanding of entheogens. Her extensive knowledge about preparation, navigation through the ceremonies and integration processes has broaden my horizons. During cacao ceremonies Uriya creates such a wonderful atmosphere with care and attention to all. Uriya emanates so much love and tranquility and provides safe space for healing. My experience was deep, as I received the answers I was seeking and released unprocessed emotions, I realized the importance of a guiding force Uriya held, the importance of each individual that shared their feelings and hopes.

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Родриго, Травник

After feeling stuck, lost and low on energy for many years, I didn't expect to get out of my condition so quickly. The sessions with Uriya really accelerated my healing and breakthrough.  Uriya is so good at getting to the core of the issue and connecting to your true inner self. The techniques she taught me to calm the circuits in my brain and practicing self love daily helped me to finally find my inner peace and the deep sense of Wholeness. I didn’t even notice how I let go of my old stories. I restored my sleep. I feel energized and full of life throughout a day. This was the shift I was missing and looking for in my life. I am incredibly grateful to Uriya for such an astonishing experience. ☺️

От коуча по психоделической подготовке и интеграции  Урии Джурик

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ОГОВОРКА: Коучинг и энергетическое исцеление не заменяют лечение, но могут использоваться как мощная дополнительная практика.

Я не поощряю и не способствую употреблению психоделиков. Психоделики запрещены в большинстве стран. Кроме того, тем, кто предрасположен к психозу, никогда не следует пробовать психоделики, даже в микродозах вне официальной терапии.  Я поддерживаю клиентов с помощью коучинга по психоделической подготовке и интеграции, который включает снижение вреда и максимизацию пользы от психоделического опыта для жизни и здоровья клиента.  Хотя я прилагаю все усилия, чтобы помочь клиентам достичь отличных результатов, и часто клиенты сразу же испытывают  облегчение, уровень успеха зависит от многих факторов, включая настрой и дисциплину клиента, среди других факторов. Поскольку эти факторы успеха сильно различаются у разных людей, по закону я не могу гарантировать результат. И это лучшая часть - ваш успех полностью зависит от вас!



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